Monday, August 30, 2004

Weight Watchers (The Cult Calls)

I recently decided to start Weight Watchers again. I don't know what this will do to my efforts to be perky. I don't think a diet low in sugar and fat will help me be perky. Hopefully it will not hinder my efforts. We will see.

September 1 is coming!

September 1 is less than two days away. I am ready for my this transformation. Merriam-Webster defines perky as the following:
1 : briskly self-assured : COCKY
I can do briskly self-assured and I can definitely do cocky, but jaunty. I don't think so! Oh well, we shall see how long this "tranformation" lasts.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Countdown to perkiness

I don't know why I committed to being a perkier person as of September 1. But I believe I am up to the challenge. If only I had a role model, someone to emulate. Where do I begin?